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Corporate Venture Launchpad 2.0

CVL 3.0 launching in August

EDB is the catalyst for the vibrant corporate venturing community in Singapore and your trusted partner to build exciting global ventures.
Go beyond your core businesses to build new ventures with start-up like agility and embark on your corporate venturing journey in Singapore.

Who is it for?

This programme aims to support established corporates, regional family businesses and high growth companies with Singapore-based operations to:

  • Build new ventures quickly and effectively
  • Create new growth and revenue streams, so as to keep ahead of disruption through building new ventures with innovative products, services and business models
  • Join a growing corporate venturing movement, where companies build new ventures that have strong potential to scale from Singapore to become globally competitive businesses


Sign up to be an appointed venture studio for CVL 2.0

We are now accepting applications to appoint a partner venture studio for the Corporate Venture Launchpad 2.0 programme. The call for applications will close on 16 June 2023. Interested studios may submit their application below.

How It Works

Programme highlights

Presenting ideas image

Participating companies can look forward to:

  • Working alongside appointed venture studios that bring venture-building experience, methodologies and multidisciplinary talent.
  • Pre- and post-sprint support for companies to progress the venture concept to a ‘build and launch’ phase.

Concept validation sprint

  • In-depth validation of your venture concept(s), an investible business plan and recommended next steps for the venture launch.
  • 50% co-funding to companies for qualifying costs (up to S$500,000) of each concept validation sprint.
  • Support from EDB also includes participation as a sprint board advisory member; and for select sprints, deployment of our venture builder(s) to supplement the sprint team.
venture build launch

Venture build and launch

  • Develop a minimum viable product (MVP), set up and launch your new venture.
  • 30% co-funding to companies for select high potential new venture on qualifying costs (up to S$500,000) of each pre-seed build.

Potential follow-on co-investment and value creation support by EDB New Ventures are available for ventures launched from this programme.

Venture building process & eligible activities


The programme is organised around two key tranches to help companies grapple with the unknowns of building a new venture outside their core business.

Tranche 1 – Concept Validation Sprints

Takes participating companies through the early stages of starting a new venture. We believe that sprints help teams clearly define their corporate venturing goals and ensure that their high conviction ideas get developed through a series of robust market validation. Sprints apply venture-building methodologies to develop an idea into an investible business plan that is data-backed and tested through interviews with customers and relevant stakeholders in an accelerated time period.

Tranche 2 – Venture Build and Launch

Post-sprint execution period where the venture builds the actual full-scale product or service offering, similar to the pre-seed stage of creating a start-up. We are providing support to accelerate the speed of the new venture set-up with its own founding team and co-share the entrepreneurial risk undertaken by the company to launch an independent new business.

Only high-potential projects that have successfully completed the validation sprint (Tranche 1) as part of the CVL 2.0 programme may be eligible to apply for support via Tranche 2.

Download diagram (284KB JPG)


sprint funnel diagram

Appointed Venture Studios

Venture studios specialise in supporting companies in the ideation, incubation and building of new ventures that can scale to become successful new businesses. Each venture studio brings its unique version of capability building offerings, methodologies, people and resources.

Six venture studios have been appointed by EDB New Ventures to be part of CVL 2.0. Companies can now choose from this diverse and proven pool of venture studios to undertake concept validation sprints for venture ideas, and thereafter launch each new venture.


Learn how we appointed venture studios


An open call for proposal was launched in June 2022 for venture studios with a Singapore presence to participate in the programme. During this process, EDB New Ventures evaluated and appointed six venture studios with support from an advisory panel comprising representatives from corporates experienced in building ventures, as well as government agencies.

Venture studios have been assessed based on the following criteria:


  • Strong Singapore presence and global networks 
  • Comprehensive suite of capability development offerings 
  • Robust methodology to validate and launch new ventures
  • Competitive pricing models
  • High-calibre people and resources dedicated to Corporate Venture Launchpad projects
  • Strong engagement of external networks to assist corporates on concept validation sprints
  • Ability to hire external talent (e.g. founder level) for the new corporate venture
  • Ability to support post-sprint venture launch and scale up (e.g. MVP build, product development)
  • High success rate for launching corporate ventures via sprints 
  • Proven success of launched corporate ventures 
  • Strong customer testimonials and pipeline
  • Strong commitment to support corporate venturing in Singapore — through efforts such as publishing content, organising events, and providing capability development offerings to the local corporate venturing community

Each appointed venture studio has its unique methodology and offerings for the Corporate Venture Launchpad. Click here to download infopacks of your preferred venture studio. 


Application Criteria



  1. Established corporates, regional businesses and high-growth companies with significant revenues or market capitalisation
  2. Companies that have Singapore operations, with clear mandate for new business creation and demonstrate commitment to corporate venturing
  3. Venture concept addressing a large opportunity space in any sector, with the aim of creating new revenues outside of the parent company’s existing core business. It needs to have strong breakthrough potential and ability to leverage the company’s assets and resources
  4. Venture concept must be sufficiently differentiated from any previously supported ventures / projects by the EDB

Under CVL 2.0, both companies new to venture building in Singapore and those that have existing venture building efforts are now eligible. Each company may apply for multiple applications if they intend to pursue ventures in different opportunity areas.


Key Programme Conditions and Deliverables


  1. Participating companies will be required to dedicate full-time employees to be the venture lead (and other members as relevant) of the sprint team, provide adequate C-level attention towards supporting the sprint team and commitment for resourcing the setup of the venture upon successful concept validation.
  2. Any venture launched from the Corporate Venture Launchpad shall be headquartered in Singapore.


Other requirements


Full details of eligibility criteria, programme conditions and deliverables will be available through any of the appointed venture studios. Each appointed venture studio may have additional requirements depending on their methodologies for ensuring successful concept validation sprints and venture build.

Interested companies should discuss this with an appointed venture studio to find out more and assess best fit.

Application Process


Find your preferred venture studio

Contact any appointed venture studio to:

  • Find out more about each studio’s venture building offerings and identify a preferred studio
  • Discuss your interest and understand eligibility, programme conditions and deliverables
  • Develop a draft scope for the validation sprint and identify the pre- and post-sprint support you need  


Confirm eligibility and scope your sprint

Get in touch with EDB New Ventures at new_ventures@edb.gov.sg and:

  • An experienced venture builder will work with you to refine your initial sprint scope for success 
  • Assess grant funding eligibility for the concept validation sprint scope developed 


Grant confirmation and sprint kick-off

  • Select your preferred venture studio which will work with you to finalize the sprint scope 
  • Prepare grant application materials and submit to EDB New Ventures
  • Kick off with the sprint and aim to build a world-class venture! Expect an all-hands-on-deck journey across the venture board members, sprint team, venture studio and EDB.

CVL 2.0 Self-Help Toolkit


Interested but need some help to be more prepared for venture building? We have developed some self-help tools to assess your organisation’s venture building readiness, facilitate venture studio evaluation and help scope a new venture sprint effectively.  

For the toolkit and/or more details on the application process, please reach out to any appointed venture studio of the programme or email us at new_ventures@edb.gov.sg!

Developing Corporate Venturing in Singapore

Introducing EDB New Ventures

In a world of disruption and shifting opportunities, corporates need to innovate even more than before. EDB New Ventures believes that corporates have a wealth of unique advantages, that can be channeled towards new growth areas beyond existing core businesses.

Our New Ventures arm has been set up to support corporates in building new businesses, and to catalyse corporate venturing in Singapore. Our objective is growing corporate ventures here into globally leading new businesses. In addition, we support our partner corporates and ventures by providing access to industry networks, expertise and risk-sharing capital.


Our growing ecosystem

Singapore is now home to close to 80 corporate ventures from the best companies in the world. Corporates such as Schneider Electric, Procter & Gamble, Bosch, ENGIE and Olam have established teams here to grow multiple new businesses for the global market.

Frequently Asked Questions

A corporate venture is a new business targeting a new revenue opportunity that is outside of the corporate’s existing business. It is often launched as a separate legal entity, or in some instances, created as a new business unit within the corporate.

To operate with autonomy and agility, a corporate venture is best led by a founder team that drives the growth of the venture. Corporates actively lean in to provide assets and resources as unique advantages that allow the venture to scale faster than a typical start-up would.

No, EDB New Ventures will assess your application before confirming your eligibility for grant funding. Refer to the ‘Application Criteria’ section.  

Yes, the second edition of the Corporate Venture Launchpad will be open to companies that 1) are new to or early in the venturing journey and/or 2) intend to pursue multiple ventures in different opportunity areas.

Contact EDB New Ventures for queries about Corporate Venture Launchpad