SG Trust Mark

Kickstart Your Corporate Venturing Journey

Pursue game-changing ideas in new growth areas from Singapore

EDB is the catalyst for the vibrant corporate venturing community in Singapore and your trusted partner to build exciting global ventures.


Go beyond your core businesses to build new ventures with start-up like agility and embark on your corporate venturing journey in Singapore. 

A new growth priority

Corporate venturing is essential for every company’s innovation and new growth strategy.

Never before have companies seen this pace of disruption and missed opportunities globally. To keep ahead, companies need to grow venturing capabilities and actively leverage core advantages to build new businesses.

Watch the video below to hear from Kerry Mok, President and CEO of SATS Ltd, Kim Rosenkilde, Group Chief Investment Officer, Singlife with Aviva, and Vikash Dhanuka, CEO of Sing Fuels, on why corporate venturing is and should be a C-Suite’s priority.


Ventures Made Possible

Ventures Made Possible is a video series spotlighting profiles from within the corporate venturing community in Singapore who share about their corporate venturing journeys.

Watch more episodes here.


Why now?

Corporate competitiveness is increasingly under threat

Average time that companies stay on the S&P500 will fall to just 12 years by 2028 (i)

Start-ups are capturing new market opportunities at rapid pace

The start-up economy globally has created over US$3 trillion in value, a figure that continues to rise rapidly (ii)(iii)

Why Corporate Venturing?

Corporate ventures have higher chance of success than average start-ups

Large companies that leverage the strengths of their core business have an average of a 1-in-8 chance of creating a viable, large-scale new business (iv)

Frequent new business builders get significantly higher returns

Companies that launched 4 or more businesses were twice as likely to generate at least 5 times greater returns than companies which built businesses less frequently (v)

Sources: (i) Innosight; (ii) CrunchBase; (iii) Startup Genome; (iv) Bain & Company; (v) McKinsey

Corporate ventures, built from Singapore

Learn how these corporates have launched their new businesses from Singapore, and are now taking their ventures regional and/or global.

Check back regularly as we update with more stories!

Join the venturingSG community

We are passionate about building meaningful connections to grow the venturing community in Singapore! This is a community of executives, venture builders, venture founders and investors that come together to exchange learnings, discover new approaches and explore collaboration opportunities through virtual and in-person events.



Your Trusted Partner

EDB’s corporate venture building arm - EDB New Ventures - is your go-to guide for corporate venturing. We can assist in capability building, validation of venture ideas, financial risk-sharing across the early stages of a venture's growth, and value creation for our portfolio of ventures.

How EDB New Ventures supports you


  • Best practices for building corporate ventures and governance models
  • Venture building to accelerate venture concepts to investible new businesses

  • Risk capital to support early-stage new ventures
  • Investment due diligence and post-investment value creation

  • EDB’s global network of companies and experts across 14 industry sectors
  • Community of individuals involved in corporate venturing in Singapore and the APAC region


For companies that are new to building ventures in Singapore, find out more about our
S$10 million Corporate Venture Launchpad programme


Why Singapore?

With Singapore's business-friendly environment and innovation ecosystem, you have a strong base to kickstart and succeed in your corporate venturing efforts.

Wide network of partners & expertise: Diverse community of global businesses, experienced venture studios, incubators, accelerators, and some 55,000 start-ups.
Access to talent: Access to a breadth of entrepreneurial talent in Singapore to lead your ventures, complementing your pool of intrapreneurs.
Strong funding ecosystem: >200 venture capital funds, in addition to a deep base of corporates and family offices as potential co-investors for your ventures.
Reference market: Ventures can easily pilot and test new products, services and business models in Singapore, before scaling to other markets.
Regional and global connectivity: Our connectivity to and understanding of key regional and global markets will enable your new businesses to scale.
Trusted Partner: EDB provides external validation, networks and support to your venturing efforts across venture building, venture co-investment and value creation to our portfolio ventures.

Close to 80

Number of corporate ventures launched in Singapore, a majority of which were established since 2018

Figure accurate as at 30 June 2022


Highest concentration globally of
venture capital investments per GDP

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization, Global Innovation Index 2020


Location globally to access talent

Source: Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2019, INSEAD

Venturing from Singapore

corporate venture circular content image

Venturing from Singapore


Innovation ecosystem in Asia with strong support for corporate and start-up innovation

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization, Global Innovation Index 2020


Business hub in Asia

Source: Ranking of top Asian locations for regional headquarters of top 100 technology MNCs in Forbes 2017 Global 2000

Top 10

Globally in terms of start-up ecosystem

Source: The Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021

Close to 80

Number of corporate ventures launched in Singapore, a majority of which were established since 2018

Figure accurate as at 30 June 2022


Innovation ecosystem in Asia with strong support for corporate and start-up innovation

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization, Global Innovation Index 2020


Highest concentration globally of
venture capital investments per GDP

Source: World Intellectual Property Organization, Global Innovation Index 2020


Business hub in Asia

Source: Ranking of top Asian locations for regional headquarters of top 100 technology MNCs in Forbes 2017 Global 2000


Location globally to access talent

Source: Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2019, INSEAD

Top 10

Globally in terms of start-up ecosystem

Source: The Global Startup Ecosystem Index 2021

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Talk to us about how we can support your corporate venturing journey

Email the EDB New Ventures team at new_ventures@edb.gov.sg

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