The Case for Building Corporate Ventures Using Deep Tech

The Case for Building Corporate Ventures Using Deep Tech

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From an investment perspective, deep tech is often regarded as a niche investment that carries a high risk. But viewing the nascent and rapidly growing industry as such would mean glossing over the many disruptive and lucrative innovations that are taking shape in the field.

In fact, deep tech investments accelerated significantly from 2016 to 2020, with investment quadrupling from US$15 billion to over US$60 billion during this period. This seismic shift is equally apparent in Southeast Asia, with major investment firms such as Singapore-owned Temasek committing S$1 billion across a range of deep tech domains in 2022. This investment is in addition to Singapore’s Research, Innovation and Enterprise 2025 plan, which pledges to invest SGD25 billion into cutting-edge technology.

Deep tech innovations are also often geared towards solving the world’s largest and most fundamental challenges, catalysing new and emerging ecosystems to support development. For these reasons and more, deep tech offers a compelling opportunity for corporate investors to build new ventures that unlock hidden value. 

Learn how you can reap the rewards in this comprehensive report, developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Digital Ventures in association with EDB
New Ventures
, as part of the Corporate Venture Launchpad; a pilot programme designed to enable corporates to launch a new venture from Singapore within six months. They will be supported by venture studios that have been qualified by EDB New Ventures.

Authored by Hanno Stegmann, Managing Director and Partner at BCG Digital Ventures; Robin Weston, Director of Engineering, BCG Digital Ventures; and Chithra Srinivasan, Senior Software Engineer, BCG Digital Ventures – the report will enable you to uncover:

  • How to unlock untapped business value in the nascent sector,
  • The key enabling pillars you need to have in place to realise the value from deep tech,
  • How to design the right strategy to reap the rewards of deep tech investing.

Download the full report for more insights.

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