Sectoral Support Package To Help Marine And Process Sector Adapt And Operate In COVID Safe Manner And Transform For Longer Term Competitiveness

Sectoral Support Package To Help Marine And Process Sector Adapt And Operate In COVID Safe Manner And Transform For Longer Term Competitiveness

A new sectoral support package will be rolled out to firms in the Marine and Process sector to help them adapt to new work practices in order to operate in a COVID-19 safe manner. This sectoral support package comprises two components — the Marine and Process Safe Restart Package targeted at workforce and worksite measures in the immediate term to ensure safe operations and the Productive Safe Restart Scheme (PSRS) aimed at accelerating technology adoption and business model transformation for longer term sector competitiveness.

Marine and Process Safe Restart Package


2.    Marine and Process firms have to implement additional safeguards for safe distancing at worksites and ensure workforce wellbeing in accordance with the stricter sector-specific Safe Management Measures. The Marine and Process Safe Restart Package will be made available to firms to help defray the additional costs they have to incur to comply with the Safe Management Measures. The package comprises: (i) COVID-Safe Firm-level Support; and (ii) COVID-Safe Site-based Support.

COVID-Safe Firm-level Support 

3.    The COVID-Safe Firm-level Support helps to offset the additional costs incurred by firms in implementing measures that protect workforce wellbeing, such as the provision of personal protective equipment (PPEs) and masks, and individually packed meals. This will be through the provision of a one-off $400 support per Marine and Process Work Permit Holder (WPH) and S-Pass Holder worker employed. All firms that have employed Marine and Process WPH and S-Pass Holders as at 1 Sep 2020 and paid up to February 2020 foreign worker levy in full will receive this one-off support.

 4.    The $400 support will be processed and credited as follows:

  • Eligible firms with PayNow Corporate accounts (registered by 14 October 2020) will receive the support by the end of October 2020.
  • Eligible firms without PayNow Corporate accounts will be contacted by Enterprise Singapore (ESG) to provide necessary information for alternative payment arrangement.

COVID-Safe Site-based Support

 5.    The COVID-Safe Site-based Support provides up to 50% cost-sharing on additional costs related to worksite enhancement to reduce congregation and intermixing of workers across contractors (e.g. demarcation of work zones, barricades and building additional rest shelters). This Site-based Support will be extended to the Marine Shipyard operators and Energy and Chemical (E&C) Plant Owners who are responsible for enhancing their worksites to provide a safer working environment aligned with COVID-Safe Worksite Criteria.

6.    Firms can apply to the Economic Development Board (EDB) for a grant, supporting up to 50% support for relevant costs incurred from 1 May 2020 to 31 Dec 2020, to enhance worksites in accordance with COVID-Safe Worksite Criteria. The grant will support items such as equipment, infrastructure and worksite sanitisation, capped at $600,000 per firm.

Productive Safe Restart Scheme (PSRS)

7.    COVID-19 has accentuated key vulnerabilities in the Marine and Process sector such as reliance on foreign workers and manual work processes. The PSRS seeks to encourage firms to accelerate technology adoption and/or embark on business process/model transformation efforts that will bolster their competitiveness as we emerge from COVID-19.  

8.    Firms can undertake transformation projects independently, or jointly (i.e. as a collaboration between E&C Plant Owners and its contractors, or Marine Shipyard and its contractors). These projects should result in tangible productivity improvements and reduce reliance on foreign labour in their workforce. Firms can apply to ESG for the PSRS grant, which will provide up to 80% support for qualifying project costs.  

9.    More information on the support components under the Marine and Process Support Package can be found in Annex A and the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) in Annex B.

10.   For further clarifications, please contact:

COVID-Safe Site-based Support   EDB
COVID-Safe Firm-level Support
Productive Safe Restart Scheme
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