5G in Singapore: How your business can unlock enterprise innovation

5G in Singapore: How your business can unlock enterprise innovation

5G in Singapore

Unlock a network of opportunities

Singapore is a leading tech hub in Asia, with 80 of the world’s top 100 tech firms headquartered in the city-state. The country is also second globally in IMD’s World Digital Competitiveness Ranking.

The country is now bolstering its infrastructure with 5G. Take a spin through this infographic to see Singapore's 5G roadmap, applications for logistics, autonomous vehicles, and healthcare sectors, and support programmes to help you speed ahead.

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singapore 5g infrastructure road gif 5g car icon

Singapore's 5G Infrastructure

With a focus on reliability and enabling enterprise innovation, Singapore is setting its sights on deploying two nationwide 5G standalone networks by 2025.

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singapore 5g infrastructure grass gif tower gif tower gif singapore 5g infrastructure road gif 5g car icon

A standalone 5G network will enable companies and users to tap full-fledged benefits of 5G, and unlock greater enterprise innovation.
Currently Singapore is supporting several operators in deploying both standalone and non-standalone 5G trials. These trials provide early opportunities for consumers to enjoy faster mobile speeds and companies a fast start in developing use cases ahead of the nationwide rollout.

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singapore 5g infrastructure grass gif tower sa gif tower nsa gif


  • Faster mobile network speeds
  • Faster deployment, allowing short-term development of 5G use cases


  • Enables full-fledged 5G capabilities (i.e. network slicing to support different use-case requirements, higher speeds, ultra-reliable low latency communications)
  • Dedicated infrastructure enhances reliability for enterprise innovation

Singapore's 5G roadmap

With trials for 5G underway, Singapore is on track to deploy a nationwide network in the coming years.

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singapore 5g infrastructure mountain icon singapore 5g infrastructure road gif 5g car icon

H1 2020

Singapore awarded its 5G licenses.

H2 2020

Singapore expressed its support for operators to deploy non-standalone 5G networks, with telcos M1, StarHub, Singtel leading the first wave. Singtel has also launched standalone trial network for enterprises.

End 2022

Singapore aims to deploy 5G standalone capabilities extending to at least half of the island.


Two nationwide 5G standalone networks are planned, unlocking full-fledged 5G capabilities for businesses.

Future of sectors enabled by 5G

Both established enterprises and startups are already tapping into the network, testing new ideas across logistics, transport and healthcare. Click each of the icons below to find out more about 5G applications. If you're ready to explore opportunities with 5G, click on the support programmes button to learn how your company can tap into opportunities in Singapore.

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5g car interior icon
5g car bottom surface iconsingapore 5g infrastructure icon spin

Self-driving to

singapore 5g infrastructure iconsingapore 5g infrastructure icon spin

Transparent and trackable
supply chains

singapore 5g infrastructure experiment iconsingapore 5g infrastructure icon spin

Real-time monitoring
of patients

From self-driving to self-flying

5G will accelerate development and production of autonomous vehicles (AV), which require real-time edge computing, cutting edge sensing technologies and intelligent control systems. Singapore’s Land Transport Authority is expanding the country’s AV testbed. The entire western part of Singapore, more than 1,000 km of public roads, is being opened to test self-driving vehicles.
Going beyond AVs, urban air mobility may soon become a reality in Singapore. Telco M1 and Airbus partnered the Singapore Government to conduct network coastal trials of unmanned aerial vehicles.

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singapore 5g infrastructure mountain icon tower gif 5g car icon 5g car bottom surface icon 5g car bottom surface icon singapore 5g infrastructure ramp icon

Transparent and trackable supply chains

5G will help to scale blockchain solutions, by enabling large amounts of data to be collected and analysed. Startups in Singapore, such as DiMuto, which enables the tracking and tracing of physical products for global supply chains, will be able to leverage 5G to deploy more innovative solutions for their customers.

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singapore 5g infrastructure cloud gif supply chain gif

Real-time monitoring of patients

The improvement to communication capacity and speed will also benefit the healthcare industry. The Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has been testing applications that enable real-time monitoring of patients at the hospital’s emergency department.
At the NYP-StarHub Application & Experience Centre for 5G, SGH is working with Nanyang Polytechnic to co-develop applications that will tap the benefits of 5G connectivity.

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singapore 5g infrastructure floor singapore 5g infrastructure patient icon singapore 5g infrastructure doctor gif

Support programmes to enable industry to capitalise on 5G

As the first of customers start to experience 5G, the next generation network is fast becoming a reality in Singapore. The Singapore government has and will continue to roll-out programmes to support industries in capturing opportunities presented by 5G.

singapore 5g infrastructure road gif 5g car icon singapore 5g infrastructure road gif 5g car icon singapore 5g infrastructure road gif 5g car icon

5G Trials

$40 million has been set aside to support 5G trials in strategic sectors. In 2021, IMDA announced a new $30 million fund to bolster support for companies looking to test and adopt 5G solutions.

Training programmes

Efforts are underway to groom talent versed in 5G. Under an initiative by IMDA and mobile network operators, 1,000 roles in 5G expertise will be created by end 2020, with plans to train 5,000 more professionals over the next three years.

5G Living Lab@Pixel

Launched in September 2020, the lab will facilitate industry efforts to develop new 5G solutions and build up technical capabilities. Businesses will be able to develop and test 5G-enabled devices and applications at the facility.

Collaboration opportunities

M1 and SGInnovate will collaborate to connect startups with corporate partners to implement 5G technology for the startups' products and solutions.

5G in Singapore

Unlock a network of opportunities

Singapore is a leading tech hub in Asia, with 80 of the world’s top 100 tech firms headquartered in the city-state. The country is also second globally in IMD’s World Digital Competitiveness Ranking.

The country is now bolstering its infrastructure with 5G. Take a spin through this infographic to see Singapore's 5G roadmap, applications for logistics, autonomous vehicles, and healthcare sectors, and support programmes to help you speed ahead.

business can unlock enterprise innovation image section png profile 1 singapore 5g infrastructure road gif 5g car icon

Singapore's 5G Infrastructure

With a focus on reliability and enabling enterprise innovation, Singapore is setting its sights on deploying two nationwide 5G standalone networks by 2025.

business can unlock enterprise innovation image section png profile 2 singapore 5g infrastructure grass gif tower gif tower gif singapore 5g infrastructure road gif 5g car icon

A standalone 5G network will enable companies and users to tap full-fledged benefits of 5G, and unlock greater enterprise innovation.
Currently Singapore is supporting several operators in deploying both standalone and non-standalone 5G trials. These trials provide early opportunities for consumers to enjoy faster mobile speeds and companies a fast start in developing use cases ahead of the nationwide rollout.

singapore 5g infrastructure grass gif tower sa gif tower nsa gif


  • Faster mobile network speeds
  • Faster deployment, allowing short-term development of 5G use cases


  • Enables full-fledged 5G capabilities (i.e. network slicing to support different use-case requirements, higher speeds, ultra-reliable low latency communications)
  • Dedicated infrastructure enhances reliability for enterprise innovation
business can unlock enterprise innovation image section png profile 3

Singapore's 5G roadmap

With trials for 5G underway, Singapore is on track to deploy a nationwide network in the coming years.

singapore 5g infrastructure mountain icon singapore 5g infrastructure road gif 5g car icon

H1 2020

Singapore awarded its 5G licenses.

H2 2020

Singapore expressed its support for operators to deploy non-standalone 5G networks, with telcos M1, StarHub, Singtel leading the first wave. Singtel has also launched standalone trial network for enterprises.

End 2022

Singapore aims to deploy 5G standalone capabilities extending to at least half of the island.


Two nationwide 5G standalone networks are planned, unlocking full-fledged 5G capabilities for businesses.

business can unlock enterprise innovation image section png profile 2

Future of sectors enabled by 5G

Both established enterprises and startups are already tapping into the network, testing new ideas across logistics, transport and healthcare.

5g car interior icon
5g car bottom surface iconsingapore 5g infrastructure icon spin singapore 5g infrastructure icon space filler

to self-flying

singapore 5g infrastructure iconsingapore 5g infrastructure icon spin singapore 5g infrastructure icon space filler

Transparent and trackable
supply chains

singapore 5g infrastructure experiment iconsingapore 5g infrastructure icon spin singapore 5g infrastructure icon space filler

Real-time monitoring
of patients

business can unlock enterprise innovation image section png profile 4

From self-driving to self-flying

5G will accelerate development and production of autonomous vehicles (AV), which require real-time edge computing, cutting edge sensing technologies and intelligent control systems. Singapore’s Land Transport Authority is expanding the country’s AV testbed. The entire western part of Singapore, more than 1,000 km of public roads, is being opened to test self-driving vehicles.
Going beyond AVs, urban air mobility may soon become a reality in Singapore. Telco M1 and Airbus partnered the Singapore Government to conduct network coastal trials of unmanned aerial vehicles.

singapore 5g infrastructure mountain icon tower gif 5g car icon 5g car bottom surface icon 5g car bottom surface icon singapore 5g infrastructure ramp icon business can unlock enterprise innovation image section png profile 5

Transparent and trackable supply chains

5G will help to scale blockchain solutions, by enabling large amounts of data to be collected and analysed. Startups in Singapore, such as DiMuto, which enables the tracking and tracing of physical products for global supply chains, will be able to leverage 5G to deploy more innovative solutions for their customers.

singapore 5g infrastructure cloud gif supply chain gif business can unlock enterprise innovation image section png profile 6

Real-time monitoring of patients

The improvement to communication capacity and speed will also benefit the healthcare industry. The Singapore General Hospital (SGH) has been testing applications that enable real-time monitoring of patients at the hospital’s emergency department.
At the NYP-StarHub Application & Experience Centre for 5G, SGH is working with Nanyang Polytechnic to co-develop applications that will tap the benefits of 5G connectivity.

singapore 5g infrastructure floor singapore 5g infrastructure patient icon singapore 5g infrastructure doctor gif business can unlock enterprise innovation image section png profile 7

Support programmes to enable industry to capitalise on 5G

As the first of customers start to experience 5G, the next generation network is fast becoming a reality in Singapore. The Singapore government has and will continue to roll-out programmes to support industries in capturing opportunities presented by 5G.

singapore 5g infrastructure cars multiple gif

5G Trials

$40 million has been set aside to support 5G trials in strategic sectors. In 2021, IMDA announced a new $30 million fund to bolster support for companies looking to test and adopt 5G solutions.

Training programmes

Efforts are underway to groom talent versed in 5G. Under an initiative by IMDA and mobile network operators, 1,000 roles in 5G expertise will be created by end 2020, with plans to train 5,000 more professionals over the next three years.

5G Living Lab@Pixel

Launched in September 2020, the lab will facilitate industry efforts to develop new 5G solutions and build up technical capabilities. Businesses will be able to develop and test 5G-enabled devices and applications at the facility.

Collaboration opportunities

M1 and SGInnovate will collaborate to connect startups with corporate partners to implement 5G technology for the startups' products and solutions.

business can unlock enterprise innovation image section png profile 8



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