Singapore’s Employment Pass – All you need to know about the Complementarity Assessment Framework

Singapore’s Employment Pass – All you need to know about the Complementarity Assessment Framework

Learn about COMPASS and what it means for foreign professionals who require a work visa in Singapore.

Singapore’s Employment Pass – All you need to know about COMPASS masthead image

From 1 September 2023, Singapore will use a new Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS) to assess Employment Pass (EP) applications for non-local employees. Here’s what you need to know.

1. What is COMPASS and its relationship with the Employment Pass?

Foreign professionals, managers and executives (PMEs) need an EP to work in Singapore. From 1 September 2023, Singapore will use an assessment framework known as COMPASS to assess new EP applicants. Businesses applying for an EP for an employee need to demonstrate they have considered all applicants fairly, according to Fair Consideration Framework guidelines.

For renewals of existing EPs, COMPASS will apply from 1 September 2024, allowing companies ample time to plan and prepare.

Under COMPASS, each EP application is scored on four foundational criteria. Applicants can also earn points from two additional bonus criteria.



2. So how does it work?

a. Applicants will be assessed by Singapore’s Ministry of Manpower as per the table below:

  Individual Attributes Firm-related Attributes
Foundational Criteria

1. Salary

Key question: How does the applicant’s fixed monthly salary compare against local PMET salaries of employees of similar age in the sector?

3. Diversity

Key question: Does the applicant improve nationality diversity in the company?

2. Qualifications

Key question: What type of qualifications does the applicant have?

(On the left side bar, click "Criteria details", then "C2. Qualifications".)

4. Support for local employment

Key question: How does the company compare with others in the sector, in terms of its share of local PMETs?

Bonus Criteria

5. Skills Bonus (Shortage Occupation List)

Key question: Is the applicant taking up a role where there is a shortage of skilled talent?

6. Strategic Economic Priorities Bonus

Key question: Is the company partnering Singapore government agencies or the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) on ambitious innovation or internationalisation priorities?

b. Applicants need 40 points and above to pass the framework. Here's a look at how points will be allocated:

Applicants must score at least 40 points to qualify for an EP. Here’s a look at how points will be allocated.
3. What is the value of COMPASS?

The Complementarity Assessment Framework will give businesses greater clarity and certainty for manpower planning.

  • It makes clear that Singapore welcomes complementary global talent, especially individuals with in-demand skills in key industries;
  • It allows companies to obtain EPs for candidates based on more attributes such as skills and national diversity.
  • Through the Self-Assessment Tool, companies can evaluate from the get-go whether their preferred applicant will qualify for an EP; and
  • It recognises firms that have contributed to achieving Singapore’s strategic economic priorities in partnership with a government agency or NTUC; firms that have a large proportion of local PMETs vis-à-vis others in the sector; or those with a diverse pool of foreign PMETs.
4. Are there any exemptions from COMPASS?

EP applicants will be exempted from COMPASS if they:

  • Earn a fixed salary of at least $22,500 per month; or
  • Apply as an overseas intra-corporate transferee under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) or a relevant Free Trade Agreement (FTA); or
  • Are filling the role on a short-term basis of one month or less.

However, applicants must still meet the minimum qualifying salary for their EP application.

5. How do I check if an applicant will be eligible for an EP under COMPASS?
  1. Ensure the applicant meets the qualifying salary1. Use the recently-enhanced Employment /
    S Pass Self Assessment Tool (SAT) on the Manpower Ministry’s website, which will provide insights on whether the candidate has passed the salary requirements, and a breakdown of the applicant’s potential COMPASS points.
  2. Use the Manpower Ministry’s Workforce Insights Tool for benchmarking of your company’s diversity and support for local employment (criteria C3 and C4). The tool also allows you to compare median salaries and non-monetary benefits across industries.
Workforce Insights Tool

Third, submit the application to MOM. Do ensure that your company has obtained verification proof for the applicant’s educational qualifications provided in the application.

Do note that applicants who are not eligible for an EP under COMPASS may be eligible for other work passes such as S-Pass or Work Permit, where a separate set of criteria will apply.

6. How should I prepare for the upcoming changes?

Refer to case studies on how EP applications may be scored under COMPASS. Click on “Case Studies” from the side bar on the left to read more.

Besides using the SAT and Workforce Insights Tool, your company can review its workforce profile and assess if there is a need to improve the diversity of your workforce or increase your support for local employment

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1Details available here: Eligibility for employment passes

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