The Smart Move: European firms embrace Singapore as APAC's hub

The Smart Move: European firms embrace Singapore as APAC's hub

The Smart Move: European firms embrace Singapore as APAC's hub Masthead

What comes to mind when you hear “Singapore”? For many, it is thought of as a global financial hub, a technologically advanced city-state, or a dense ecosystem. The nation’s unique ecosystem of urban development and conservation efforts is often described as “a city in a forest”. Singapore has also become the connectivity hub of Southeast Asia by consistently attracting new global businesses to its ecosystem and facilitating resources to support expansions. Singapore hosts approximately 59% of Asia-Pacific (APAC) regional headquarters for technology multinational companies (MNCs) as reported by GoGlobal in 2023.

In the November 2023 edition of “The Smart Move”, we highlight four new British and European companies that are leveraging Singapore’s strong position in industries such as the life sciences, financial services, and digital technology to establish an ideal base for regional expansion and strategic partnerships.

Part of a startup that has just landed in Singapore? Let us know here and your startup could be featured in the next issue!

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