Thank you, Singapore's businesses, for standing with us

Thank you, Singapore's businesses, for standing with us

The global pandemic hit businesses everywhere with unthinkable difficulties: from closed borders that disrupted entire supply chains, to lockdowns that paused business operations. Despite this, companies here have proven their grit: local companies rapidly innovated biomedical solutions against COVID-19, and businesses both big and small showed how they make the best out of a difficult situation. Read on to find out how else the business community has been supporting Singapore.

To our business community,

2020 has been challenging. Even though times have been tough — or because times have been tough, you have masked up and stepped up to support the community, from ramping up production of essential goods, to mobilising workforces with future-ready skills.

While no one can predict how the pandemic will end, we know we are not alone in building the new path ahead for Singapore and our businesses.

You kept the global supply of essential goods flowing

Producing foodstuffs, biomedical and other essential goods, you have worked rapidly to meet worldwide shortages.

You are growing a future-ready workforce

Knowing that we can no longer work like we used to, you spearheaded initiatives to grow relevant, nimble skillsets and to support fellow businesses to thrive in the future.

You are giving back to the community

You show how we are not alone in facing the unknowns of COVID-19.

We'll stand together and build a brighter tomorrow!



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