

Coca-Cola masthead

Shifting to high-value added services such as new technologies and R&D in Singapore is helping Coca-Cola position for stronger growth across the region.

As the world’s largest beverage company, Coca-Cola has been selling its world-famous soft drink Coke for decades in Asia. In Singapore, Fraser and Neave was one of Coca-Cola’s first franchisees in the region, bottling fizzy drinks for the US giant since 1936.

Over time, Coca-Cola has made a strategic shift to Singapore, tapping on the city-state’s strengths such as a highly-skilled labour force, a strong R&D base and advanced manufacturing processes. The Republic is home to Coca-Cola’s regional hub, which oversees shared services such as warehousing, distribution, procurement, human resources, finance, legal and information technology services.

In 2016, Coca-Cola expanded its S$72 million concentrate facility here. This state-of-the-art factory manufactures and supplies beverage concentrate to key markets throughout the Asia-Pacific. Set up in 2011, it implements stringent quality control checks, while manufacturing standards are targeted at zero-defect levels.

Coca-Cola has committed US$100 million over five years, to 2020, to expand functions such as its concentrate plant and research capabilities. The company’s affiliate, DP Beverages, is collaborating with Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) to develop new innovations that can help Coca-Cola optimise its production processes and reap new insights into Asian consumers’ needs and preferences.


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