

Zendesk masthead

For Zendesk, a global customer service software company, opening its Asia Pacific commercial headquarters in Singapore was a natural next step after acquiring Zopim, a local live chat start-up.

Zendesk first entered Singapore in 2014 after acquiring homegrown company Zopim. In 2015, the San Francisco-based company opened its regional commercial headquarters in Singapore to expand its services across the fast-growing Asian markets. In February 2017, Zendesk announced the expansion of its Chat Development Centre.

Since the acquisition, Zendesk’s local business has grown significantly, experiencing over 35% year-over-year increase of paid customer accounts in Singapore as of the end of June 2017. This outpaces the more than 30% year-over-year increase registered by Zendesk for the overall Asia-Pacific region for the same period, where Zendesk has four other offices in Melbourne, Manila, Tokyo, and Bengaluru.

This strong growth prompted Zendesk to expand the size of its office in Singapore in 2017, to accommodate more than 100 staff.

Zendesk has also sought to contribute to Singapore’s community while doing business here. Its Zendesk Neighbor Foundation expects to pledge approximately $80,000 in grants in Singapore in 2017 for initiatives such as donating trishaws to a team that pairs seniors with volunteer cyclists to share a bike ride, while its local team has committed to approximately 1,000 volunteer hours to support local causes.


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