Tech.Pass to Attract Entrepreneurs and Leaders to Develop Singapore's Status as a Tech Hub

Tech.Pass to Attract Entrepreneurs and Leaders to Develop Singapore's Status as a Tech Hub

Tech.Pass is an expansion of the Tech@SG programme that was launched by EDB and ESG in 2019. 


Singapore, 12 November 2020 – The Economic Development Board (EDB) today announced plans to launch Tech.Pass, a targeted programme to attract founders, leaders and technical experts with experience in established or fast-growing tech companies, so as to contribute to the development of Singapore’s tech ecosystem.


2. Tech.Pass will allow pass holders flexibility in the participation of activities such as starting and operating a business, being an investor, employee, consultant or director in one or more Singapore-based companies, mentoring start-ups and lecturing at local universities. The eligibility criteria for applicants and full list of activities can be found in Annex A and Annex B respectively.


3. Tech.Pass will be open for application in January 2021, with 500 places available upon launch. The pass will be valid for two years in the first instance, with a one- time renewal for a subsequent two years. The consideration for renewal at the end of two years will depend on meeting the renewal criteria. The full renewal criteria can be found in Annex C.


4. Tech.Pass is an extension of the Tech@SG programme that was launched in 2019. The Tech@SG programme anchors and supports the expansion of high potential companies in Singapore. Both programmes facilitate fast growing tech companies and established tech talent to enter and anchor themselves in Singapore, bringing their networks and experience with them to benefit the local tech ecosystem.


5. This is part of Singapore’s multi-pronged approach to develop a strong base of technology companies and talent to ensure Singapore remains globally competitive. This will also create more opportunities for local tech talent to work in globally competitive teams alongside top tech talent from all over the world.


6. Please refer to the following website for further information on Tech.Pass: https://www.edb.gov.sg/en/how-we-help/incentives-and-schemes/tech-pass.html.


Press Release

12 November 2020

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