Niche work passes such as Singapore's One Pass are evolving

Niche work passes such as Singapore's One Pass are evolving

S'pore launches new work pass to woo top foreign talent earning $30,000 and more

The launch of the new Overseas Networks and Expertise (One) Pass is not the first time Singapore has designed a specialised work pass to attract the world's best talent to its shores.

The Tech.Pass was launched in January last year to draw what Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong described as "the movers and shakers of the tech world".

But less than two years later, it may be on the way out as the global war for talent across sectors in technology and beyond heats up.

A current shortage of talent has seen nations restructure and improve their work pass offerings to draw the world's best, and Singapore is no exception.

Last week, the Economic Development Board, which administers the Tech.Pass, told The Straits Times that the need for a separate Tech.Pass is under review, with merger into the general One Pass scheme a possibility.

Both passes are tied to the individual, which means they do not have to remain at the same job to stay on the pass. Holders of either can also hold multiple job roles and start one or more businesses.

Mr Noah Pepper, a Tech.Pass holder, said of its flexibility: "The Tech.Pass creates more flexibility for me to help out multiple different companies or sit on boards."

But unlike the One Pass, the Tech.Pass is limited to the tech sector and only lasts a maximum of four years - an initial validity period of two years and a one-time renewal of two more.

To make working in Singapore more appealing, the One Pass now offers a longer validity period of five years at a time. Workers who are already here may also apply for it before their existing work pass expires, the Manpower Ministry said.

Mr. Noah Pepper

Mr Noah Pepper, Asia-Pacific business lead at e-payments giant Stripe, is a Tech.Pass holder. ST PHOTO: ARIFFIN JAMAR

It added that after obtaining approval for the new pass, they would need to get their employer to cancel their existing work pass before it is issued.

This is likely to encourage holders to be more invested in staying in Singapore, said Mr Pepper, who is Asia-Pacific business lead at e-payments giant Stripe.

"Having to apply for a pass or renew a pass creates anxiety and uncertainty - and causes people to reassess their plans to stay," he added.

The One Pass also allows the spouse of a holder to work in Singapore on a Letter of Consent, a benefit observers said would entice more dual-income couples to move here without spouses having to sacrifice their career.

Another older niche pass is the EntrePass. Introduced in 2003, and administered by Enterprise Singapore, it is intended for serial entrepreneurs, high-calibre innovators or experienced investors.

Valid for one to two years at a time, the EntrePass was enhanced in 2017 by removing a requirement of $50,000 paid-up capital in the start-up businesses of applicants, among other changes to ensure entrepreneurs and investors are able to contribute know-how, beyond money.

Summary of enhance work pass framework infographics

Asked whether the EntrePass might be merged into the One Pass, Mr Tan Boon Kim, executive director for start-up and innovation ecosystem at Enterprise Singapore, said both schemes are complementary and the EntrePass will continue to be reviewed periodically .

"EntrePass holders have contributed positively to the tech and innovation landscape in Singapore, bringing in disruptive technologies and capital, and creating employment opportunities for Singaporeans," he said.

Tweaks were also announced for another specialised pass, the Personalised Employment Pass. Come Sept 1 next year, its salary requirement will be revised to a sum benchmarked to the top 10 per cent of Employment Pass holders - or $22,500 for now.

Also pegged to the same benchmark is exemption from the points-based Complementarity Assessment Framework, which will kick in on Sept 1 next year, and from the shortened Fair Consideration Framework job advertising requirement that took effect on Sept 1.

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Source: The Straits Times © SPH Media Limited. Permission required for reproduction.


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