4 things to know about Singapore's work pass framework enhancements

4 things to know about Singapore's work pass framework enhancements

4 things to know about Singapore's work pass framework enhancements masthead

In his National Day Rally speech on Aug 21, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spoke about the importance of building a world-class talent pool in Singapore, and the need to develop, attract and retain top talent here.

“This is an age where talent makes all the difference to a nation’s success,” he said.

In remarks delivered yesterday, Manpower Minister Tan See Leng added that since talent is Singapore’s only resource, acquiring it constitutes an “offensive strategy” for the nation.

On that front, he announced four targeted enhancements to the Republic’s work pass framework to better attract top talent and experienced professionals in areas facing a shortage of skills, such as technology. 

These were the enhancements introduced:


From Jan 1, 2023, applications will open for this signature pass for top talent across sectors.

The aim of the One Pass is to attract global talent with valuable networks, as well as deep skills and expertise in their fields, that can help Singapore grow.

The new pass will have a duration of five years, which is longer than the two or three years for typical Employment Pass (EP) candidates. It will provide pass holders with the flexibility of assuming multiple roles and contributing meaningfully to Singapore’s economy.

Spouses of passholders will also be able to work in Singapore upon obtaining a Letter of Consent.

To qualify, applicants will need to earn a fixed monthly salary of $30,000 and above, comparable to the top 5 per cent of EP holders.

Overseas candidates with no recent employment history in Singapore must demonstrate they have worked or will be working for an established company that has a market cap of at least US$500 million (S$700 million) or annual revenue of US$200 million.

However, individuals with outstanding achievements in the arts and culture, sports, science and technology, and research and academia can also qualify, even if they do not meet the salary criterion.


From Sept 1, 2023, the salary threshold for exemption from the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) job advertising requirement and the points-based Complementarity Assessment Framework (Compass), as well as the salary criterion for the Personalised Employment Pass (PEP), will be aligned to a single benchmark set at $22,500.

Today, individuals earning more than $20,000 monthly are granted exemptions from the FCF job advertising requirement and upcoming Compass, which takes effect from Sept 1, 2023.Existing EP holders earning at least $12,000 monthly and overseas candidates earning at least $18,000 monthly are eligible for the PEP.

With the benchmark set, companies will also know that future changes to the salary thresholds and criteria will be incremental.

The FCF sets out requirements for all employers in Singapore to consider the workforce fairly for job opportunities. Employers should not discriminate on characteristics not related to the job, such as age, gender, nationality or race.

Under the FCF job advertising requirement, employers submitting EP and S Pass applications must first advertise on the MyCareersFuture website and fairly consider all candidates.

The PEP is for high-earning EP holders and overseas foreign professionals. It is not tied to an employer and offers greater flexibility than an EP.



First, the FCF job advertising period will be brought back down to 14 days from 28 days with effect from Sept 1, to allow companies to move with greater speed and certainty when it comes to hiring.

The duration of the FCF job advertising period was increased from 14 days to 28 days in October 2020, when the labour market was weak and the economic conditions uncertain due to the pandemic.

Second, all EP applications will be processed or applicants given an update within 10 business days, with immediate effect.

This means that within 10 business days of submitting an application, an employer can expect to hear a “yes”, a “no”, or a status update from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) if more time is needed to process the application.

Today, 85 per cent of online EP applications are processed within three weeks.



From Sept 1, 2023, MOM will offer the option of a five-year EP to those with specific tech occupations on the Compass Shortage Occupation List.

In line with their experience, these individuals will need to meet a higher salary criterion of at least $10,500 monthly. They should also pass Compass and score at least 10 points on the Diversity criterion.

Compass is a points-based framework that evaluates EP applicants based on a set of four foundational individual and firm-related attributes, such as the applicant’s salary relative to local norms and whether the candidate improves the nationality diversity in the firm.

Applications earn points if they meet or exceed expectations based on these attributes. A total of 40 points is required to pass Compass, which will apply to new applicants from Sept 1 next year.


Source: The Straits Times © SPH Media Limited. Permission required for reproduction.

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