

Halliburton masthead

Halliburton, one of the world’s largest oilfield services and equipment companies, chose Singapore from among the 70 countries where it operates to host the global manufacturing and technology headquarters for Completion Tools, one of its key product service lines.

Singapore’s deep engineering capabilities and highly skilled workforce, coupled with its status as an energy hub, were key factors in Halliburton’s decision.

The company employs more than 800 professionals ranging from managers to engineers and technicians to serve four business units.

Halliburton Completion Tools is housed in a state-of-the-art manufacturing and administrative facility covering more than 500,000 square feet.

The Completion Technology and Manufacturing Centre opened in 2013 and produces the full suite of Completion Tools products, enabling Halliburton customers across the world to efficiently and cost-effectively complete their wells.

These products and services are continually being enhanced through innovations at the global Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Completion Tools technology in Singapore.

This advanced facility is also equipped with laboratories and test facilities, which house complex processes, including high-alloy material precision machining, electrode discharge machines and small deep-hole gun drilling. It also features deep-well simulators, and high-pressure/high-temperature testing facilities.

Halliburton, which came to Singapore in 1973, has also established manufacturing operations as well as technology CoEs for its Sperry Drilling and Wireline & Perforating product service lines to serve the global market.


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