Mitsui Chemicals

Mitsui Chemicals

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Aimed at generating greater responsiveness to its Asian customers, Mitsui Chemicals has established its entire value chain – from manufacturing to R&D to regional corporate headquarter functions – in Singapore.

Mitsui Chemicals first established its presence in Singapore back in 1966. Since then it has expanded its investments here to over S$1 billion. The Singapore operations manage corporate functions such as sales and marketing, logistics and business planning. They are also in charge of feedstock procurement for local plants, while providing shared services including accounting and finance for Mitsui’s subsidiaries in Singapore and Asia, excluding Japan.

As Mitsui Chemicals’ key manufacturing base outside Japan, Singapore hosts the company’s world-class phenol and bisphenol plants on Jurong Island. These plants are the anchors of the phenolic chemistry chain for the city-state.

In 2010, the company started its second TAFMER plant, which doubled the production capacity of its elastomers manufacturing in Singapore. This S$230 million investment builds on the company’s existing facility, and harnesses Mitsui Chemicals’ state-of-the-art technologies in polymer design, metallocene catalysts and production processes.

Mitsui Chemicals opened its first and only R&D Centre outside of Japan in 2011. Working closely with local partners like the Agency of Science, Technology and Research's (A*STAR) and its research institutes, the Singapore R&D Centre focuses on the development of advanced materials, as well as chemical and biotechnological processes that are greener and more efficient.

The Japanese company also collaborates with the Singapore Economic Development Board to offer scholarships for Singapore-based students to attend a Masters’ programme at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. In addition, it offers internships for Singapore students in its Japan offices, while organising short-term training programmes for promising mid-level Japanese executives at Singapore universities.


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