Bolloré Global Innovation Centre

Bolloré Global Innovation Centre

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A leader in electric cars, French conglomerate Bolloré will conduct research and development in mobility solutions in its innovation centre in Singapore.

BlueSG, a subsidiary of the French conglomerate Bolloré Group, launched the first electric car-sharing programme in Singapore in December 2017. About 1,000 electric cars and 500 charging stations – with some open for public use – will be deployed in stages. Out of the first 30 stations, 18 stations will be in public housing estates like Tampines, Bishan and Punggol, 10 stations within and around the city center, and two locations in the industrial and commercial areas of one-north and Science Park.

BlueSG has its Asia-Pacific headquarters in Singapore, which oversees its e-mobility, energy management and system integration business for the region. The hub will house more than 30 employees by the end of 2017, comprising technical staff, on-field technicians, IT support specialists as well as a customer service center.

Bolloré Group runs electric vehicle car-sharing programmes in other cities in the world, including Paris, Bordeaux and Lyon in France, Indianapolis and Los Angeles in the US, Torino in Italy and London. The company is committed to making Singapore the second-largest electric car-sharing service worldwide after Paris.


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