Plan to boost S'pore's status as hub for IP, intangible assets

Plan to boost S'pore's status as hub for IP, intangible assets

Plan to boost S'pore's status as hub for IP, intangible assets Masthead

A masterplan has been drawn up to strengthen Singapore's position as a global hub for intangible assets (IA) and intellectual property (IP).

It also aims to maintain "our strength as a top-ranked IP regime" so that investments can continue to come into Singapore, Second Minister for Law Edwin Tong said yesterday.

He also said that the 10-year blueprint's initiatives include creating "good jobs and valuable skills" in the IA and IP sector.

Mr Tong was speaking at the announcement of the masterplan, known as the Singapore IP Strategy 2030.

It involves a task force comprising at least 10 government agencies, including the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (Ipos).

The task force is helmed by Minister in the Prime Minister's Office Indranee Rajah, with Mr Tong as deputy chairman.

The masterplan builds on a previous one announced in 2013 and updated in 2017.

It comes after a study reported that the value of the world's IA stood at an all-time high of more than US$65 trillion (S$86 trillion) last year.

The number of patent and trade mark applications filed here last year also increased by 23 and 20 percentage points, respectively, from 2015, according to Ipos.

Mr Tong said the plan will be implemented on the ecosystem, enterprise and individual levels.

"On the ecosystem level, we will strengthen Singapore's IA and IP (regime) to remain relevant and competitive," he said.

This would boost economic growth here through IP transactions and activities, and ensure that the country offers a conducive environment for businesses to protect and manage their IA and IP.

A next-generation IP filing system to support innovators and enterprises is targeted to be launched by the middle of next year.

The system will be more intuitive to use, with predictive assistance and a user-friendly dashboard which offers users analy-tical insights for better decision-making when managing their IP portfolios.

On the enterprise level, there are plans to grow and attract enterprises that use IA and IP, including giving them better access to IA-and IP-related services.

For example, a new platform providing an online marketplace for enterprises to access pro-fessional IA and IP services is in the works.

The platform will help businesses identify their IA and IP needs, and match them with the relevant service providers or solutions.

Singapore will additionally spearhead an international IA and IP valuation panel to establish valuation guidelines that can be adopted internationally, and build a pool of valuation professionals here.

Plans on the individual level include equipping Singapore's workforce with the necessary IA and IP skills and knowledge to perform their roles well, integrating such skills and competencies in job roles involved in innovation, and developing a set of national standards for IA and IP management.

Ms Indranee said there is no specific number of IA-and IP-related jobs that the masterplan is aiming to create.

"It is not possible to say at this stage - what we can say is that it is a growth area we will track, and in time to come, we will have a better sense of the projections," she said.

Ms Indranee was present at the opening ceremony of World IP Day, which was yesterday.

In her opening speech, she said the masterplan will help Singapore generate new business opportunities alongside "good jobs" in specialised IA-and IP-related professional services.

She also said: "By building up enterprise capabilities and skills in IA and IP management and strategy, (the masterplan) will help Singapore small and medium-sized enterprises emerge stronger in the post-pandemic economic landscape."

© 2021 Singapore Press Holdings


This article was written by Dominic Low from The Straits Times and was legally licensed through the Industry Dive publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@industrydive.com.

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