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Singapore is accelerating climate action and supporting sustainability efforts across Asia

A global city going green

A small, low-lying island nation, Singapore intimately recognises the threat of climate change. Without access to abundant low-carbon energy sources and bio-based resources, our green journey is not easy. But we understand the urgency of response and are committed to forging the path ahead to a sustainable future.

Singapore has outlined a series of national initiatives focused on sustainability. We are mobilising all our capabilities to adapt to a changing climate, enable decarbonisation, and stimulate green growth opportunities amidst Asia’s sustainability journey.

What is also clear to Singapore is the need to capitalise on technology and develop ambitious solutions — not just for our own sustainability goals, but to advance green growth for the region. As leading businesses innovate, test, scale, and commercialise green solutions from here, we are fostering a vibrant ecosystem of companies, investors, and innovators to support those that want to make a difference.

Learn about the renewable energy and carbon services sectors in Singapore

Charting Singapore's Net Zero Future

Accelerating Low-carbon Transition in Industry, Economy and Society
Catalyse business transformation
Invest in low-carbon technologies
Pursue effective international cooperation
Adopt low-carbon practices

Source: National Climate Change Secretariat Singapore, Infographic on Charting Singapore’s Net Zero Future

Support for businesses

Aside from a business-friendly environment, Singapore offers additional support to companies who share our commitment to sustainability. This includes grants, access to green energy, and connections to a vibrant network of players across the sustainability value chain.

EDB offers incentives and schemes for businesses to be best-in-class globally in terms of energy and carbon efficiency. 

Singapore has paced the carbon tax increase in consultation with the industry and will channel the revenue collected from carbon tax to support companies towards decarbonisation. The expected carbon tax revenue of about S$1 billion in the first five years will develop projects that support emissions abatement and the low-carbon transition. 

Resource Efficiency Grant for Energy (REG(E))  
Administered by EDB, this grant encourages improvement in energy efficiency of manufacturing facilities and data centres. 

Learn more


Investment Allowance for Emissions Reduction
The investment allowance is granted on capital expenditure incurred for energy-efficient or green data centre projects. 

Contact EDB for more information



Water Efficiency Fund (WEF)
A fund supporting companies with implementation of water recycling systems, adoption of innovative technologies for water conservation, or conducting of studies to identify water saving opportunities.  

Learn more on the PUB website.



Energy Efficiency Fund
Companies that adopt energy-efficient technologies to build capabilities and decarbonise early can receive up to 70 per cent of qualifying costs. 

Learn more on the NEA website


Low-Carbon Energy Research Funding Initiative (LCER FI)
An initiative to accelerate the development of viable low-carbon energy technologies in Singapore, the LCER FI was introduced in 2021.

Learn more on the A*STAR website


Green Power Image

While about 95 per cent of Singapore’s electricity comes from natural gas – the cleanest form of fossil fuels, Singapore recognises the need to incorporate greener forms of electricity into our energy mix.

Businesses can tap solar energy sources – with accelerated deployment of solar panels around Singapore, we are set to increase our solar capacity to at least 2 gigawatt-peak (GWp) by 2030. 
Singapore is also reaching out to regional power grids to access cleaner energy sources beyond our borders. Businesses will be able to connect to up to 4 gigawatts of imported low-carbon electricity by 2035, which will make up around 30 per cent of Singapore’s projected power electricity supply then. At the same time, Singapore is exploring low-carbon alternatives such as hydrogen in the longer term.

Learn more about Singapore's energy story


sustainability service providers

Singapore offers businesses easy access to a suite of expert services – from low-carbon advisories helping companies to develop climate strategies, to services that originate, finance and trade carbon credits – that support companies’ low-carbon transition at every step in their journey.

Learn more about carbon services and trading in Singapore


research and innovation partner

Businesses can partner leading research institutes in Singapore to create and pilot emerging low-carbon solutions. Potential partners include:


Explore green opportunities in Singapore

Uncover Singapore’s vibrant sustainability ecosystem in this interactive map, which offers a snapshot of sustainability initiatives, companies, events, and business opportunities here. 

Click on the icons to read more about each location.


Small city with big sustainable dreams

Nationwide initiatives involving the public sector, private sector, and individuals are in place, driving us towards a greener future. They reflect Singapore’s commitment to climate action, outlining long-term goals and action plans to overcome our constraints for a net zero future.


A whole-of-nation movement that lays out concrete targets and demonstrates Singapore’s commitment to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and Paris Agreement.

  • Offers diverse business opportunities with its focus on creating a city in nature, greener infrastructure, sustainable living and a robust green economy
  • Comprises 5 pillars: 
    • City in Nature: create a green, liveable and sustainable Singapore 
    • Sustainable Living: make decarbonisation, clean environment and efficient resources and energy a way of life 
    • Energy Reset: use cleaner energy and increase energy efficiency 
    • Green Economy: pursue green growth and industry transformation by harnessing sustainability 
    • Resilient Future: build up Singapore’s climate resilience and food security 

Learn more on the Singapore Green Plan website

We are well-positioned as a key player in a strong green finance ecosystem. Launched in 2019 by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), GFAP supports mainstreaming green and sustainable financing as well as the establishment of green finance centres of excellence.

  • Enhance quality of sustainability-related disclosures
  • Build knowledge and capabilities in sustainable finance
  • Harness technology to enable trusted and efficient sustainable finance flows

Low-carbon hydrogen holds the potential to be a major decarbonisation pathway to support our transition towards net zero – hydrogen will potentially supply up to half of our power needs by 2050. 
To complement and diversify our power mix alongside solar and imported electricity, Singapore is rapidly preparing for hydrogen deployment domestically, infrastructure development, and strengthening the hydrogen supply chain in Asia.

Learn more on the Ministry of Trade & Industry website

We're partnering the world

Singapore is committed to sustainability issues on a global level. We actively participate in efforts such as the Powering Past Coal Alliance (PPCA), Greening Government Initiative (GGI), and Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM4C).  

The green transition will require regional effort and collaboration. The ASEAN energy mix is gradually shifting, with an aim to increase renewable energy components from 2020’s 14 per cent to 23 per cent by 2025.

Well-placed in the heart of Asia, we are working closely with other countries to make the region greener. We have:

  • Signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOUs) with Brunei, Indonesia, China and Vietnam on green cooperation
  • Commenced negotiations on a bilateral Green Economy Agreement (GEA) with Australia, a world-first agreement that combines trade, economic and environment objectives
  • Concluded negotiations with Ghana on an Implementation Agreement to cooperate on carbon credits, in alignment with Article 6 of the Paris Agreement 

Company highlights

Capturing sustainability opportunities in the region

Being in the heart of Asia, Singapore is well-placed to support the region’s low-carbon transition. Find out how businesses are using Singapore as a springboard to capture green growth opportunities in Asia.

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