How corporates, startups and government collaborate to innovate

How corporates, startups and government collaborate to innovate

How corporates, startups and government collaborate to innovate Masthead
  • 61% of companies are embracing open innovation to keep abreast of rapid disruption.
  • Companies of all sizes – from enterprises to startups – are pooling together their capabilities to launch new solutions across energy, tech, food and more.
  • Public-private partnerships have also allowed corporates to tap into the ecosystem’s capabilities to research and develop new tech and products.

Whether it is to unlock new growth opportunities of tackle pertinent industry challenges, companies are increasingly taking a collaborative approach to innovation. Find out in this infographic how businesses in Singapore are working together with startups, other enterprises and the public sector to develop new solutions. Flip through each of the carousels below to reveal more examples.

 Collaborative Innovation in Singapore

 Collaborative Innovation in Singapore

Companies are embracing collaboration to thrive

Singapore offers ample partners to co-innovate

Corporates x Startups

Tackling today’s energy challenges

Enhancing customer experience

Corporates x Public

Collaborating to create healthier lives

Driving innovation in pharmaceuticals

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