Philips Lighting

Philips Lighting

Philips Lighting

Singapore is Philips Lighting’s regional hub. The company opened its Lighting Application Centre here, which supports the testing and development of lighting innovations in multi-experience stadium lighting and connected street lighting.

The centre boasts of the company’s first showroom in Southeast Asia, which has sophisticated connected lighting and Internet of Things technology. Located at the Philips APAC Center in Singapore, the 492 sq m Lighting Application Centre is divided into various zones, showcasing spaces from daily life – including an office, a sports stadium, public streets, a hotel room, and a retail outlet, and demonstrates how Philips’ lights can enhance or impact an experience of the place.

The Lighting Application Centre, which cost approximately $1.75 million to develop, is more than 80% covered in LED lights that have interactive or connective capabilities. It is in line with Singapore’s ambition to become a Smart Nation, an initiative to harness technologies, networks and big data to develop people-centric solutions that address global urban challenges.

Philips Lighting has also partnered with local tertiary institutions like Temasek Polytechnic (TP) to launch the first Connected Lighting Test Bed on campus. The collaboration will empower TP students, under the guidance of lecturers and Philips’ engineers, to create connected lighting solutions for the campus, and develop innovative ideas in the application of smart lighting. TP launched its Smart Campus initiative in 2014, to provide a living test bed and platform to try out new ideas, build capability, and train future-ready students.


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